Get yourself a pair of ruby slippers, put them on and repeat these words until you start to believe them:
" You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it yourself." - Glinda from The Wizard of Oz

Decide to Make it Happen
That's right, my dear. You have the power to create the life you want, and I'm going to lay out the steps you can follow to make it happen. As I mentioned in my last post, the life we live is more a reflection what is going on inside us than what is going on around us. Let that sink in for a moment. Because it is the secret recipe to life. If we make a commitment to change the way we view the world, the way we show up in the world, the way we interact with the world, our world will change. It can be no other way, because that is how energy works.
I like to imagine life on Earth is like a digital interface that echoes back whatever energy we send out. If you radiate love, that's what you will get in return. If you radiate stress, or lack, or insecurity, guess what you will receive back? The trouble is, we don't realize how much power we have over the way our life is going, and it is easier to blame outside forces and circumstances than to face the music and the woman in the mirror. Universal law #1: The life we have is the life we designed. Maybe we are going about doing this unconsciously, and more likely than not, we are, but the fact is, every choice we made, led us to the life that is reflected back to us today.

Don't believe me? Just take a quick look around your living space. Every piece of furniture, the color and art on the walls (or lack there of) was at some point in time, a choice you made. The extraordinary news is, if we don't like what we have designed so far, we can change it, because the life you have today, is just a reflection of yesterday's decisions. If you want to change your furniture, luckily there's an app for that (thank you, Wayfair + Affirm!) and you can conjure that up in wink.... but if you want to change your future, its going to take a wee bit longer. But that doesn't mean it is impossible. You can still make it happen.
Step 1: Aspire

You know why I'm meant to be a writer? Because I LOVE words. I love the way they look, the way they sound, I love their meanings, nuances, and their origins. I can't get enough, and I'm probably the only word-nerd on the planet that gets chills whenever I learn about the Greek or Latin root of a word. But let's not get too deep into that, I have an image to uphold here after all! ;) But I mean, truly understanding words really helps you understand life so much better, so I think it's worth a look. Let's take the word aspire for example. I chose this a the first step in how to redesign your life, and here's why. According to Dictionary.com to aspire means "to long, aim or seek ambitiously; be eagerly desirous, especially for something great or of high value". Pretty much what we would have expected, right? But if you look up the etymology of the word, (which is a fancy way of saying the word origin) you would find that the word goes all the way back to the 12th century Latin word aspirare which means "to breathe upon, blow upon, to be favorable to, to climb up to, to endeavor, to obtain, to reach, to seek" and is made up of two morphemes (word parts that have their own meaning) (ad) meaning "to" + (spirare) meaning "breathe." So, it could be interpreted that to aspire to something could mean to aim for or seek ambitiously, but perhaps more poetically, it also could mean to breathe something to life, to give life to your visions, breathing the formlessness of your spirit, dreams and longings into the material. I LOVE it!! And that is exactly where we are going to begin.
Okay, so let's start making a mental list of all your dreams. What have you always wanted to do? Dream HUGE, don't hold back. Let your soul speak to you, and don't be afraid. You've got this, and guess what? Only you know the answers so let your imagination soar! Now start writing the answers to some of the following questions down. The purpose of this exercise is to just start generating some ideas. Of course, feel free to add your own as well!
Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
What would you look like if you could change anything about that?
Do you like the way you dress? If not, do you know what your style would be?
What would you do with your time if you could do anything you wanted to?
Are there any talents that you have that you do not use at this time, but want to?
Are there any hobbies activities you would like to pursue or try for the first time?
What complements to you want people to say about you?
What do you want your surroundings to look like?
How do you want people to feel about you or feel when they are around you?
Are there any places you would like to visit or experience in the near future?
What would you like your legacy to be?

Now, this is just an exercise in starting to formulate a vague idea of what you might want. It is just a way of getting back in touch with the dreams of your soul. We will delve deeper into this with the next step: Emulate when we learn how to develop Our Prototypes.
For now, just close your eyes, and start to get a vague idea of this new person and this new life. Imagine her sitting across from you...take a deep breath in and start to breathe out slowly sending the breath from your lungs into hers. Watch this happen in your mind's eye; you are literally aspiring to become this new version of yourself. You are breathing her into life. Watch how she breathes back to you and together you are one being. See and feel the exchange of air, energy and light. When you are ready, thank her for coming to greet you, and perhaps send her a blessing - knowing in your heart that someday, she will be looking back at you in the mirror! But for now, she belongs to the world of spirit, not form, and that is perfectly okay.
Try this exercise for a few days and see what comes up for you. Don't forget to write down anything important in your journal. We will delve deeper next time when we start bringing our visualizations into reality.

For now, don't forget....You've got the power, girl and you're starting to learn how to use it🪄
